Home / News / Can industrial handling robots adjust their speed or path according to load conditions?


Can industrial handling robots adjust their speed or path according to load conditions?

Yes, industrial handling robots can dynamically adjust their speed or path based on load conditions. The sensors equipped on the robot, such as weighing sensors, force/torque sensors, etc., can monitor the weight and force situation of the transported object in real time and provide feedback to the control system. If the load is heavy, the robot may slow down to ensure stability and reduce inertia effects, avoiding object sliding or tilting; If the load is light, the robot can increase its speed appropriately to improve handling efficiency. In addition, robots can adjust their paths based on load distribution and changes in center of gravity, avoiding unstable situations caused by sharp turns or bumps, and even choosing safer or smoother travel routes when necessary. Through real-time perception and adaptive adjustment, industrial handling robots can optimize the handling process, improve safety and work efficiency.

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